Bliss | Teen Ink


January 6, 2016
By bperkinson BRONZE, Richmond, Virginia
bperkinson BRONZE, Richmond, Virginia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I blink
infinite skies of brilliant amber and burnt sienna
I blink again
boundless blankets of turquoise and lavender
I blink again
endless mountains with snow as white as a bunny
I blink again
a narrow rushing brook is a symphony of music
I blink again
grass as comforting as a warm blanket
I blink again
an intricately patterned butterfly with designs of a labyrinth  stretches its arms overhead
I blink again
sweet aromatic flowers saturate the air
I blink again
a sweet honeysuckle bush
I blink again
clouds forming coils in the sky
I blink again
an immense flowering cherry tree
I blink again
a rope swaying from one of the crooked branches
I blink again
I blink again
the alarm screams
I blink twice
wake up.

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