Seize the Day and Live Today as if it's Your Last | Teen Ink

Seize the Day and Live Today as if it's Your Last

December 18, 2015
By IxNightWalkerxI SILVER, Las Vegas, Nevada
IxNightWalkerxI SILVER, Las Vegas, Nevada
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A man must always say

Valar Morghulis.

By this,

They are aknowledging the finality of death.

This is a lesson best learned young.

But there should be tranquility,

Not fear of death and sorrow.

To do this, always reply with

Valar Dohaeris.

By this,

You are implying that though death will come for all,

Every man and woman must serve thei purpose in life,

Before our dying day.

If those goals are met,

One must shout,

Ad Victorian.

To victory.

The author's comments:

Live everytday like its your last. Seize the day and do soemthing important.

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