The Silent Girl | Teen Ink

The Silent Girl

December 14, 2015
By ngflowmaster BRONZE, Champaign, Illinois
ngflowmaster BRONZE, Champaign, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I write for the Silent Girl.

For the girl with no voice,
with eyes full of love to give, but no means to give it
smiles to share with the world, but no one to smile back

I will, Silent Girl, I will

For I see the reason you're quiet
I see that sometimes those who speak the least
have the most to say, but no one to listen

I will, Silent Girl, I will.

For the girl with no voice, but a voice of her own,
I can see the warmth of your soul,
I can see who you want to be, but
I can also see why you dont want to be that

For its better to stay silent,
with eyes full of love to give, but no means to give it
smiles to share with the world, but no one to smile back

I will, Silent Girl, I will

The author's comments:

I overheard some friends talking about a roommate. They called her the silent girl becasue she was really shy. I have seen her before in my dorm and I thought she was really pretty, so I decided to take a term that was used negatively, (silent girl) and turn it into something positive.

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