The Dagger | Teen Ink

The Dagger

December 6, 2015
By jenbev22 BRONZE, Watertown, Connecticut
jenbev22 BRONZE, Watertown, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Some of us have to make mistakes, some of us have to get out hands a little bloody, Some Of Us Are HUMAN" -Teen Wolf

Everything that happened 

I push it behind my head

Just like it didn't happen.



Acting like everything is okay,

But it is not.

Everything is a memory that will not disappear.

It will always be there

Stabbing inside like a dagger

Trying to rip through my skin. 

It hurts more and more everytime I fix it,

But it stabs again

Making the layer thinner and thinner as it heals.

And now it is as its thinnest.

Healed to the point where one more hit it's going to break.

It won't heal.

No more forgivness.

No more forgetting.


The dagger is stuck deep in my skin.

It has reached its point of no coming back.

The dagger is stuck deep within 

With no escape.

The author's comments:

My relationship with someone has inspired me to write this. I hope people will be able to relate to it. 

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