I Don't Get It | Teen Ink

I Don't Get It

November 30, 2015
By EmJude011400 SILVER, Cherry Valley, Massachusetts
EmJude011400 SILVER, Cherry Valley, Massachusetts
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You can always finish.

So, tell me:
If you believe in God
And they believe in God,
Why are you trying to kill each other?
Why is your God better?
Why are you any better than them?
Why do you care what they believe in?
Why should they care about what you believe in?
I thought that everyone had the right to believe
In anything they wanted to.
So, why do you feel the need to hate someone
Just because they think a different way?
They were just raised differently.
Why do you think they should believe in God?
They’re happy without religion.
Why are you trying to change the way they think?
I thought that everyone had the right to believe
In anything they wanted to
And if that anything includes nothing,
Why is that so bad?
You can have your thing,
They can have theirs,
And we can all respect the fact that
We’re all individual human beings.
I thought that was a good thing.
I thought we were supposed to be able to think for ourselves.
I don’t get it.

So, tell me:
If you are a human being with one shade of skin,
And they are a human being with with another shade of skin,
Why do you feel contempt towards each other?
You’re both people.
You both have emotions.
What makes you so different?
What makes one man a separate species from another?
I thought that everything on the inside was the same;
We share all the same organs,
Our bodies go through the same processes.
Why are you any better than them?
You look different.
Well, everybody looks different, regardless of skin color.
What do you know about them?
Anything at all?
Who are you to judge them?
They’re their own person, going about their own life,
And they have done nothing.
Yet, you mock them because they look a little weird.
I thought humans were humans.
I thought that we were all part of the same race.
I don’t get it.

So tell me:
If you’re straight,
And they are not,
Why do you think that they need help?
Why is the love that you feel different from theirs?
I thought that love was just love.
Why does it matter if you love the same gender?
A husband and wife will love each other
Till death do they part.
Those are the same vows two wives make.
Those are the same vows two husbands make.
A child can be raised well by a mother and father;
Just as well as two mothers,
Just as well as two fathers.
And why is it weird if someone doesn’t know how they feel?
Why is it weird if someone can feel attracted to both genders?
Why is it weird if you were born one way and decide to be something else?
I thought that was embracing who you are.
I thought that was being yourself.
I don’t get it.

So, tell me:
What happened to the Golden Rule?
What happened to being kind to everyone we meet?
What happened to being yourself?
Why can’t I be who I want to and keep your respect?
Why do I have to hate you for your beliefs if I don't want to?
Why not walk in someone else’s shoes?
And could we all try to act like decent human beings?
Is that so hard?
I don’t get it.

The author's comments:

Just a few things that I noticed about the world that I'd like to call attention to. All are my opinions, everyone is entitled to their own opinions and beliefs, but PLEASE be nice about it. That's all anyone can ask of another human.

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