The Rise of a Boy, The Fall of a Teen: The Journey of King Tutankhamun | Teen Ink

The Rise of a Boy, The Fall of a Teen: The Journey of King Tutankhamun

November 30, 2015
By rockstar3 GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
rockstar3 GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

King Tutankhamun: a nine year old Pharaoh--
Intelligent and wise,
Novice king of destiny, when
Gratitude followed his changes...

The temples reopened, and allowed the worship of gods,
Unifying the country under the rule of the greatest power,
Ten years of leading a dynasty...
A boy can not run a dynasty by himself,
Not at the age of nine.
Killed by chance or died by internal foe...
Hunted down, death bestowed him.
A boy, no heir, alone in death.
Mummified in a life he barely saw...
Unfortunate life, lost to evil,
Navigating, Tut glides to the afterlife.

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