The Chariot of the Forgotten Pharaoh | Teen Ink

The Chariot of the Forgotten Pharaoh

November 30, 2015
By 7barajas GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
7barajas GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Born to the 18th Dynasty, given the power of the pyramids at eight…
My father, King Ankhesenamun reigned before me.


Forgotten for centuries untold, and dynasties still to be... 
I am the living image of Atan.


Tomb discovered by the finest of Archaeologists
ninety years ago…


As pristine as gold,  my chariot, on which  I once stood.

A phanatic mystery....What caused my rein to end?


A dynasty blanked the last breath of the pharaoh…
I,  the boy king with power--until nineteen years of age.


The finest riches touched by two hands…

From the gold treasures, to my powerful chariot.


Now, the question the world endlessly asks...

“Who killed the forgotten Pharaoh, Tutankhamun?”

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