Ignorance | Teen Ink


November 24, 2015
By pianoprincess26 SILVER, Christiansburg, Virginia
pianoprincess26 SILVER, Christiansburg, Virginia
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Why fit in when you were born to stand out?<br /> -Dr. Seuss

This world we live in,

has trained us to be

ignorant people.

Nobody notices

the hurting,

and the weak

among us.

All we think of is

me, me, me

and we become


to the world around us,

to the blaring cries

of sorrow,

and pain,

We are benighted

to others' needs.

Only when we stop,

taking a moment

to truly listen,

will we hear

the cries of pain, of hurt,

from those around us.

Only when we shift the focus

to others' needs,

and not our own,

will we grow out

of our ignorance.

All pain

and loneliness,

goes unnoticed,

by all who see you daily.

And until that one person,

whome you trust and love so dearly,

takes time to notice

your hurting and loneliness,

you suffer silently.

Alone in this




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