The Never-Ending Storm | Teen Ink

The Never-Ending Storm

November 24, 2015
By pianoprincess26 SILVER, Christiansburg, Virginia
pianoprincess26 SILVER, Christiansburg, Virginia
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Why fit in when you were born to stand out?<br /> -Dr. Seuss

School is such a pain.

Whirlwinds of papers to do,

Chaos of moving from class to class,

Thunderous voices shoving knowledge down our throats.

Flashes of light, illuminating the full picture,

finally understanding what it's all about.

Flodding our brains with facts for a test.

A short break in the stormy day for lunch.

The sun comes out, goofing off with friends,

Then the thunder claps again

And it's back to the dreary

whirlwinds of papers,

chaotic halls,

thundering voices...

Then the final thunder rolls,

and we go free,

into the pool of homework,

until the next day,

when it all begins again...

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