Never Staying The Same | Teen Ink

Never Staying The Same

November 10, 2015
By Amesavannah SILVER, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
Amesavannah SILVER, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

You tell me it’s a tradition
That woman are supposed to stay home and be in the kitchen
That as women, our dreams are nothing
that our voices are not made to be heard
to obey our spouse and be blurred.

That it’s wrong to have an opinion because women we are nothing
To the men in my culture, women are property
There is no equality
because we are women, who is lesser than man.

So they brainwashed us as children
to have that mentality
so, you can grow up and suffer insanity 
we are land that can be bought.

My grandma would teach me about gardening
and I asked her why am I learning this--
she would respond “Some day you can stay home and garden while your husband is working”
I don't want to be locked up in a cage
because I know for me it isn’t okay--
My dreams and future are ready to be chased.

I’m not going to let my traditions define me
because I’m a women with equal opportunity
I have more to offer than to fix a hot plate
I shall never teach my daughter this
Some traditions are meant to die
This will pass by
because I was never meant for this.

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