shadow man | Teen Ink

shadow man

November 4, 2015
By Anonymous

I was sitting in my living room
enjoying the snow
with a cup of coffee
when I bent down to pick up my cat
I come back up and I see Him
It was like slow motion
I dropped my coffee
my cat jumped off my lap
then I scream

He doesn't move,
he doesn't do anything,
not even shiver from the
bone shivering temperatures outside 

When I go to move his eyes follow me
The next thing he does shocks me
He smiles, it's not a friendly smile,
it's one like of those creepy sinister smiles
Im frozen, my eyes can't move from his face.

My back door slams open
the wind whipping into the warm home
I just expected it just to be the wind but sadly I was wrong
I was shocked, frozen in place

the man who kept to himself
the man who spoke to none
the man who was murdered
was in my home.

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