The Ocean at the End of the Block | Teen Ink

The Ocean at the End of the Block

November 3, 2015
By _giftedwriter BRONZE, Windsor, Connecticut
_giftedwriter BRONZE, Windsor, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The fears and guilt inside my conscience started strangling me.
Face turned red and my heart paced fast then suddenly slow.
A storm was brewing and I was the cause.
I was the tornado that destroyed everything in my path.
Take my withering soul and devour my aching heart.
The black aurora that was ominous started to become me.
Drowning in a sea of unhappiness and dying in the holy lake of sin.
Will anything tame the demon within?
I fought for life, while my life fought back.
I died right there at that old abandoned house.
My body was dangling from the rope of my despair and the ocean at the end of the block turned my dreams to dust. 

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