The Long Ride | Teen Ink

The Long Ride

October 22, 2015
By JacobB. BRONZE, Exeter, New Hampshire
JacobB. BRONZE, Exeter, New Hampshire
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Thousands of miles away,

it seems as though I'm on a trip to the moon.

The hum of the motor

breaks the blanket of silence over this car

in the wee hours of a summer morning.


On a cross country road trip,

there is so much to see.

From fields as green as a lime,

to cities as beautiful as

that diamond ring in the jewelry store.


Going across bridges

over blankets of blue abyss.

Through tunnels of a sea of black,

Pierced by the glow of orange lights.


The destination comes into view

as if it has a glorious golden aura.

Although the destination

was once so far away,

it was all worth the wait.

The author's comments:

This poem was written for my english class.

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