Non stop Life | Teen Ink

Non stop Life

October 19, 2015
By Molten_Slayer BRONZE, White Heath, Illinois
Molten_Slayer BRONZE, White Heath, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Life is dirty in the mud
Life is clean in the tub
Life can be bright
Life can be dark
   Life can tear you down
   Life can boost you up
   LIfe is like a berry it can be sweet
   Life is like a lemon it can be sour
Life is all merry and chipper with dolls and guns with friends  
Life is bitter and sorrowful when you move away from your friends
Life is the greatest thing
       Life can be the worst thing
        Life is beautiful in many ways
        Life is full of ugliness all around
       Life may have its ups and downs
       but life is always around
    Life can be stressful when you have kids
    Life can be happy when they have fun
  Life will be wonderful when you have a wife     Life will sometimes be hard to please her        Life will be great when you can move around
Life will be terrible when break down
   Life is slow and creaky when you are old
   Life can be fast and fun when you are playing checkers
       Life can be nice when your relatives visit
    Life will be depressing when they don’t know you are ill
      Life will be a non stop battle
      Life will be a non stop party
     Life will be full of surprises
     Life will be full of calmness
   Life will be full of death and sorrows
   Life will be full of life and joy
Life will come to abrupt end and you can say life is like a set of stairs you can go up but you can also go down and you can’t skip a step or you will fall down.

The author's comments:

I had this idea when i was in class one day and thought of my life so i started writing a peom because we were supposed to write about a peom or write a poem that day. So i just wrote and then created it as steps. Because at the end it will tell all.

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