The Wolves | Teen Ink

The Wolves

October 9, 2015
By Anonymous

One body, two worlds.

During the day you're a pack of wolves,

but during the night you're the lone wolf.

All alone, trying to survive the dreadful, heartrending world.

Your body is a battle ground fighting to survive, but having no motivation to live.

You know know you're the pack of wolves.

You know you have a family to protect you from the forests of your mind.

You can feel your pack taking care of you, feeding you the thoughts you need to survive.

But once your thoughts start to starve,

the lone wolf comes.

Eating the diminishing thoughts your pack gave you, and replenishing them with the feeling of having no food, no family, no life.

The lone wolf deceives you, the food he gives you is plenty,

it overpowers your mind until you too become a lone wolf.

Now that you're alone,

you desperately want to go back to your pack,

but it's too late.

So you spend the rest of your nights howling at the moon,

begging for a friend, for some company, for someone to understand and be a lone wolf with you.

But it doesn't happen,

and all you're left with are the dimmed lights of the dissatisfied stars.

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