I Am From | Teen Ink

I Am From

September 17, 2015
By b.who SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
b.who SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from Milwaukee, the north side–
violence, crime, and police sirens.
Innocent and pure . . .

I am from trees growing and confining my house–
paths, letting me dream without interference.
Carefree and confident . . .

I am from Cushing Elementary–
chubby, awkward, and lost.
Insecure and uncertain . . .

I am from a transition to figuring out me–
gifted, girls, and growing pains
Inspired and determined. . .

I am from a new stage in life–
Kettle Moraine to Arrowhead, grind and shine, road to the top.
Traitor and savior . . .

I am a ball player, with but a basketball in my hand and my dream to follow–
senior year, no regrets, no setbacks!
Motivated and ambitious.

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