Goodbye, Enemy | Teen Ink

Goodbye, Enemy

September 5, 2015
By Random100 DIAMOND, Iloilo, Other
Random100 DIAMOND, Iloilo, Other
61 articles 1 photo 5 comments

To my little enemy,

Dressed in scarlet fire,

Sitting like a dubious king,

Let me say to you goodbye.


My little enemy,

You've been here for so long,

You never let go of me,

So you must be dethroned.


If you can remember,

You make my day vile.

Every hour is a nightmare,

I’ve forgotten now to smile.


You always make people

Take notice of me,

And oh, look!

They are grinning at me.


You even take away,

The girls, I used to be with.

As if I have germs.

As if I am you.


I really want to punch,

Slap and pinch your face

But I'll never ever do that

It will hurt me, too.


Now, listen

I am cursing you:

Mirror, mirror on the wall

Dissolve this little troll.


Oh! So foolish,

I'm talking to myself,

I know you won't hear that

You're an actor of deafness.


But little enemy,

Can you just leave?

Please depart from me

So, I can bid you goodbye.


I get tired of waiting

I feel uneasy.

So, I put this to you-

The elixir of death.


This potion is made

From rare fruits in Earth.

Nothing can survive from it.

No one can survive from it.


Now, feel the pain

Endure the agony.

As it slowly decays your body,

As it quickly takes your life.



And forgive me.

I’ve done it for myself.

I’ve done it for my nose.


And later, my mirror

Will be surprised when I'll ask:

Can you still see my enemy?

Can you still see my pimple?

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