vocals | Teen Ink


August 22, 2015
By Cyavic BRONZE, South Richmond Hill, New York
Cyavic BRONZE, South Richmond Hill, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

my lines and stanzas and verses of poems,
could never compare
to the sound of your voice.

quotes and phrases rolled off your tongue,
as if you were fluent in another language
i didn't know about.
the way i would replay your words over and over again in my mind,
as if you were a broken record player I could not get rid of.

your voice,
turns my name
into something more than syllables.

it makes my name,
sound like flowers blooming.
it caresses my name,
forging it to mimic love.
but most of all,
when your voice
articulates my name,
it constructs a home.

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