What to Believe | Teen Ink

What to Believe

August 10, 2015
By HeartShapedBox SILVER, Jackson, Mississippi
HeartShapedBox SILVER, Jackson, Mississippi
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Pitter patter, drip drop

Like my dreams and all my thoughts

They look like the tears if God cried

Cracks in my heart and in the sky as if God died

or atleast it feels that way

Every holy item tainted with Lucifers reign

But they still bend

They still pray

But I don't blame

someone needs to believe

someone needs to betray the greed

wipe the corrosion clean; wipe it down with holy water

guilt derived from this sin drawing this red water

wipe it clean

Close the broken windows as the machines scream

Bloody hands reaching for the hands in need

Needy hands conflicted by what cannot be seen

All of which appear to be of great similarity

What to believe; I have no clarity

I must decide before it's too late

Provide faithfulness and devotion

Or flames shall be my fate

Infinite versions of the same story

Created by the one above now we must praise his glory

His or theirs; one or more

Allahs paradise or Jeehovahs door 

What to believe

How to believe what should be pure 

Yet has been tainted for centuries

I cry and I reach; fall to my knees

fall like my thoughts and drop like my dreams

I cry, I scream, to that higher being

I cry, I scream, what am I to believe?

The author's comments:

For those who are religiously conflicted.

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