Nightmare | Teen Ink


June 26, 2015
By LittleGirlKid GOLD, Sugar Hill, Georgia
LittleGirlKid GOLD, Sugar Hill, Georgia
15 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
&quot;You are unique, just like everybody else.&quot; - Unknown<br /> <br /> &quot;Success is liking yourself, liking what you do and liking how you do it&quot; - Maya Angelou

The black figure.
It surrounds her.
You can’t trust the black figure.
You can’t let it fully surround you.
It fools people.
It’ll try to speak to you
And tell lies
And show false images.
All to bring only fear.
The images can haunt, like a ghost.
They can last even after you open your eyes.
The fear lasts, up until
You can finally make the images go away,
But when will that be?
Make them stop.
Make them stop!
The images are too tragic.
Make the sadness and horrors end.

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