The Man From Timbuktu | Teen Ink

The Man From Timbuktu

June 18, 2015
By Sergio_Sagastume SILVER, Orlando, Florida
Sergio_Sagastume SILVER, Orlando, Florida
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Never knowingly be serious."
-11th Doctor

The Man from Timbuktu

There once was a man from Timbuktu,
He came from a boat designed for two,
A seat for him and his cat, Gazoo.
The man was strange and very coo'
He had a tattoo,
but if every kangaroo.
My my! This fellow was new,
His hair a bright shade of blue,
His personality, a wonderful hue,
But today is a day he would come to rue,
Because he left his home in Timbuktu,
With only a boat and his cat, Gazoo.
What did he leave?
What did he rue?
A wife? A son of twenty-two?
Is it true?
We only know what we see,
A silly man with his tattoo,
A cat named Gazoo,
And a boat made for two.
We all have our own Timbuktu,
But what will you hide?
What can you Rue?

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