Mothers Are Angels in Training | Teen Ink

Mothers Are Angels in Training

June 11, 2015
By LittleGirlKid GOLD, Sugar Hill, Georgia
LittleGirlKid GOLD, Sugar Hill, Georgia
15 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
&quot;You are unique, just like everybody else.&quot; - Unknown<br /> <br /> &quot;Success is liking yourself, liking what you do and liking how you do it&quot; - Maya Angelou

Let the saying be known true,
For mothers are, indeed, angels in training.
Like angels, mothers are there for you.
They are willing to help you
And guide you
To where you should be heading
Until the day comes when you must guide yourself
Through your own life
And make your own living.

The author's comments:

I saw a sign in my grandmother's home that said "Mothers are Angels in Training", which made this free verse come to mind. She is a mother of four and it caused me to think of all the things that she and my own mom, along with others around the world, do for their kids (and other family). I wrote this and gave it to my mom and grandmother for Mother's Day.

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