I Kind Of Liked You Today | Teen Ink

I Kind Of Liked You Today

June 6, 2015
By genmam BRONZE, Stan, California
genmam BRONZE, Stan, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Maybe it was the way you smiled,
Or that new shirt you were wearing.
Maybe it was what you said,
Or the way I caught you staring.
Maybe it was how your hair stayed in place,
Or how you said my name,
Am I realizing something I missed?
Or is my mind just playing a game?
I don’t know what happened,
What you did, or sometimes what you say,
Maybe I’m just overthinking it,
But I kind of liked you today.

The author's comments:

I had an assignment to write poetry, something I have never done before. This is what came to mind. 

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