The Deadly Disease Has Spread | Teen Ink

The Deadly Disease Has Spread

May 31, 2015
By Katelyn Goodling BRONZE, Wellsville, Pennsylvania
Katelyn Goodling BRONZE, Wellsville, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Zombies are often found walking.

They are rarely ever found talking.

The world never wanted this to happen,

But there has to be a person behind all this action.

The government said they would save us,

But now we're stranded inside of a bus.

Fingers and palms scraping at the windows,

I don't have a watch so I'm wondering how fast timg goes.

When will this ever end?

"I believe it won't." said my friend.

Now, I'm thinking we are the only ones left.

Billy, Bob, and Judy have been eaten to death.

I don't think I can hold on much longer,

Without any food and water.

My life is slowly expiring,

The apocalypse has clearly not been inspiring.

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