Metaphorical Edge | Teen Ink

Metaphorical Edge

May 18, 2015
By FairestOneOfAll SILVER, Houma, Louisiana
FairestOneOfAll SILVER, Houma, Louisiana
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If only our tongues were made of glass, how much more careful we would be when we speak.

Tight lips and closed eyes.
Was this life worth living alone?
With the eyes that see me,
Even when I'm alone.
Maybe they're here,
But maybe they aren't.
Watching my every move,
Calculating my weaknesses.

Childish fears haunt my dreams.
The smiles that are fake,
They grin up at me.
Happy? Never.
The possibility of sleep on this cold night,
Is one in a million.

The not so gentle hands
They brush through my hair and on my face.
Telling me I'm not alone,
But yet I am.
Sadness has over taken.
These pleas for help,
Go unheard by your naive ears.

Happiness is my foe,
And tears are my friend.
The empty promises,
That try to give me false hope.
They tell me this will end,
But we know it won't.
And all of these things,
Push me over the metaphorical edge.
Will you be waiting at the bottom?

The author's comments:

Everyone has one, what will put you on yours?

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