The 10th of April | Teen Ink

The 10th of April

May 18, 2015
By Afrika Black BRONZE, Valdosta, Georgia
Afrika Black BRONZE, Valdosta, Georgia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I thought my best friend was okay.
I remember getting the call
My heart started to race
Lord knows I just wanted to see your face
I walk in
Scared to d…
“No Visitors”
You’re asleep
My heart shattered
My entire body began to ache
My insides begin to burn up
My body began to shut down
I fall
We didn't say goodbye
You couldn't speak to me
I couldn't find it in myself to touch your cooling skin
All I could do is cry
My brain couldn't comprehend
I would never see her big smile again
Never hear her loud laugh
Never hear her encouraging words
My best friend flew away

The author's comments:

This poem is about the passing of my mom.

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