No One Told Me | Teen Ink

No One Told Me

May 17, 2015
By Kelsey Berner BRONZE, Lemont, Illinois
Kelsey Berner BRONZE, Lemont, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

No one told me
No one told me that when I get older
Life gets harder
No one told me that the bad guys
In the movies are nothing compared
To the real bad guys in this world

No one told me that everything
Isn’t perfect
There is not a perfect world
I never knew
Because no one told me
The fantasy we all dreamed of washes away
Like the marker stain on my shirt

Playing with toy cars and stuffed animals
Is nothing compared to
People playing with my emotions
I had never worried about that
Because no one ever told me

No one told me that
Love can end
Love doesn’t always last forever
And no one prepared me
For the knife I felt in my heart
When my parents split
I realized the reality of everything
On my own
Because no one told me

No one told me you can fall in love
With anyone
The Disney movies had the princess fall
For the Prince Charming
I was never prepared to fall in love with a girl
Because no one told me

Nothing is as it seems
People always leave
And people lie

Forrest Gump told me that life is a box of chocolates
And you don’t know what you’ll get
But I do know myself
And I can expect what is to come

I told myself
That life is harder but I know how
To fight back
No one is perfect and I know
I’m not
But I know for a fact that I
Told myself that
Everything is alright

The author's comments:

This poem is about the hardships and the issues I dealt with throughout my years in high school. I had to figure out most of it all on my own and it was a big struggle for me to find out who I am. My childhood was nothing compared to the real world.

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