Summer Senses | Teen Ink

Summer Senses

May 16, 2015
By AzulNavarro BRONZE, Hemet, California
AzulNavarro BRONZE, Hemet, California
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

I can already feel the hot, sunny summer days approaching as months fly by. I can't wait for the warm days where I just slip my sandals on, run outside and enjoy the bright sky. Jump into a cool, refreshing pool and relax all day. The day after that go get some icy snow cones and go on a beach trip. The days of summer are filled with endless fun. You see, once the school year is over, all the worries and all the stress just falls off of your shoulders and disappears. During those beautiful months I basically try to spend each and everyday to the fullest. Not let one single day go to waste. Summer nights are even more special because I can spend my night  laying down with people I love, reflecting on how much fun we had today and all the adventures we sought out. There is truly something special about that season that just warms your heart, besides it being 90 degrees out everyday, but I'm talking about the memories that you create. Summer isn't just a time where it's hot outside and you don't get to go school so you stay inside and sit with your butt on the couch doing absolutely nothing. It's a time where you take advantage of the sunny skies and places and people out there that still have yet to be discovered. Enjoy your days while you still can, because you may never know what could happen. Always try to live your days to the fullest to the very end.

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