The Everlasting Night | Teen Ink

The Everlasting Night

May 6, 2015
By hopiecheese98 BRONZE, Paris, Illinois
hopiecheese98 BRONZE, Paris, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The oh so quiet shadow stalking me through the everlasting night.
I walk past the church, the doors are open, but I cannot see the light.
The dark mist into the pitch black hole I fall,
I know this isn't what my life is to be at all.
I can't see the path that is before me,
As his veiled hands bring me to my shaky knees,
And what I see is not heaven at all.
This is a hell I'm fighting inside my head,
Every single night; alone in my bed.
I've tried several times before,
To end this everlasting war.
Every time I try,
God listens to my cries.
He knows I have a life ahead of me,
So he's keeping a hold of my life-key.
It's not my time yet,
Even if the shadow keeps taunting me making threats.
Everyday I wake up and put a smile on my face;
Sometimes it's fake, but lately it's been nothing but real because I stop and think that life is not a race;
It's a beautiful gift,
And I'm not about to drift away with the shadow that stalks me in the everlasting nights.

The author's comments:

One of my dear friends recently committed suicide, and this poem was inspired by him, because I have been in his shoes before.

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