Dinner with Big Brother and Uncle Sam | Teen Ink

Dinner with Big Brother and Uncle Sam

May 5, 2015
By KatherineMcGovern GOLD, Stuart, Florida
KatherineMcGovern GOLD, Stuart, Florida
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I feel most deeply that the whole subject is too profound for the human intellect. A dog might as well speculate on the mind of Newton. Let each man hope and believe what he can."- Charles Darwin

Frozen barren silent cold
Cold cold war
Don’t look darling go lock the doors
Close all the windows you know whats in store
Fire dust smoke burn
Burn burn it fast
Burn the tapes Burn the books
Erase the lies Erase the past
1 new truth
9 new lies
84 years of nothing
Its new Its old
They see all your cards just know when to fold
Don’t speak Don’t ask
Don’t speak Don’t tell
Newspeak darling what did you say?
Oh Nixon oh Nixon
Start up a fire
Patch all the cracks
Cut all the wires
Its dark now Nixon I can barely hear you
Come to the table
Stare at the menu
Hide under the covers its coming down hard
You know your not safe so keep up your guard
Smoke rolls in heavy and freezes your bones
Nixon oh Nixon what is that song
The tapes play loud
The fire freezes and burns
Ink floods down the pages into your home
Nothing to erase No where to hide
Oh Nixon Oh Nixon its too cold inside
Frozen barren loud cold
My hands are freezing take them to hold
Come lay down darling its getting time
Supper is coming let us seep in the wine
War is peace darling didn't you hear?
Come to dinner with us theres nothing to fear
Nixon oh Nixon its too late now
Its too cold for us here come take your bow
The doors wont lock honey just hide down low
Nixon, oh darling, where did you go?

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