Because There Are | Teen Ink

Because There Are

May 1, 2015
By Mackenzie Fimmen SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Mackenzie Fimmen SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In reality, there are no perfectly created people

and I will never, ever believe that

I am going to find someone who is truly perfect, bleeding with love for me

I’d like to believe that

Everyone does care about finding that heart-throbbing, perfect love, more than they care about wealth

Society is chock-full of deceiving liars who don’t have a clue how life really is

I’m positive that

True love is disheartening and disappointing, leaving your heart completely broken, its pure perfectness shattered like a million tiny pieces of a colorful stained-glass window, with no hope of being glued back together

I refuse to accept that

Those splendid fairy tales can come true

In the world that we live in


What’s on the inside

Does not matter more than

What’s on the outside

I really don’t think that

We can fix this, and change the way this world operates

There is nothing we can do to fix our society

Unless we put our minds in reverse

(Read from bottom to top, restate title at the end)

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