The Kingdom of the Mind | Teen Ink

The Kingdom of the Mind

April 22, 2015
By VDwyer BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
VDwyer BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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How many goodbyes,<br /> do i have to say?<br /> before you can feel,<br /> this pain i portray.

Great things bring compromise,

Thus things don't go your way.

So always strive to improvise,

When life turns the night to day.


Banter me with the striped sky,

Then tell my dreams they're old.

But the stars last a lifetime,

Yet there stories were never told.


The world turned again,

So the clouds were drawn.

But why was my mind lost,

In the chaos and not the calm.


So make the sky break,

Fill up the Suns gleam.

Then stitch the open wound,

With life's greatest dream.


Thus i give my own,

To the Kingdom of the Mind.

That made me realize,

My dreans had gone deaf and blind.


So i took my pain,

medicated it with a broken cloud.

That is where my dreams had been,

Where the Mind was finally...found.

The author's comments:

Between the night and day, i like to look at the sunset. I write in my room where its peaceful. Pretty much the only quiet part of my household.

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