Creation | Teen Ink


April 23, 2015
By LiveForLoveToday SILVER, Pargould, Arkansas
LiveForLoveToday SILVER, Pargould, Arkansas
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Creation is a thing of beauty.
Crafting people, objects, and feelings but just out of grasp of them.
Making beautiful things such as ideas and feelings but never being able to touch or feel them.
This is the price you must pay to become a creator.
Is it worth it?
Standing on the sidelines never being thought of and never being thanked for all the hard work you do getting every single little detail right.
Giving more and more until you can’t give anymore but they’re still not happy and want more.
Trying until you give up and let everything go.
Creation is a thing of beauty, but is it worth it?

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