Moment | Teen Ink


April 17, 2015
By Taylor Heasley BRONZE, Struthers, Ohio
Taylor Heasley BRONZE, Struthers, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

We all fall down sometimes,
Those days when the world is against you.
But you learn to cover yourself in a blanket of courage,
And be on your way.

We are all looked right in the eyes by fear sometimes,
Doubts roaring in your ear like a lion.
But character can change the roars into whispers,
And the “I cant’s” into “I will”

We all have days when the wrong things seem so right,
Those days when joining the crowd is much easier
Than standing up for what you believe in.
But as humans, we are nothing if not compassionate.

We all have days when exhaustion is a heavy weight on your shoulders,
When skipping out is much easier than working hard.
But what dream is reached without commitment?
None. Nothing can hold you down if you try hard.

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