The Eruption of a Volcano | Teen Ink

The Eruption of a Volcano

April 4, 2015
By Sigrafeas BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Sigrafeas BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Deep, deep down inside the earth,
Lava slowly giving birth,
Preparing to end all things of worth,
As the volcano sits in silence.

The people are all down below,
Little do they think or know,
That in short hours, they’ll be struck a blow,
That will cease their joyful goings on.

They walk about most peacefully,
Enjoying sun and harmony,
Not knowing that most quietly,
The volcano prepares its attack.

A slight tremor and tremble betrays,
On this most soft and calm of days,
To the careful watchers keen gaze,
The volcano is almost ready.

Suddenly, a flash, a roar,
Fire where there was none before,
Destruction knocks upon the door,
The volcano has awakened.

Brimstone and ash are pouring down,
Upon the people in the town,
Eternal sleep some already have found,
As the volcano pours out its vengeance.

Lava pours down mountainside,
Making it impossible to hide,
The “calm” volcano has to us lied,
And now it is wreathed in fury.

Innocent people run and flee,
Children scream most panickedly,
Armageddon this seems to be,
As the volcano leers at the death.

People stumble, trip, and fall,
Others run by, not caring at all,
One thought in mind, to escape the tall,
Glowering, brilliant volcano.

Others set out on the lake,
Leaving houses and dress and crate,
Hoping that they might escape,
The volcano’s terrible anger.

As they watch their town’s destruction,
They can’t help but feel some small compunction,
Perhaps they gave this mountain instruction,
By building at its base.

Slowly, softly, ash falls down,
Covering, tree and house and ground,
All the people gather round,
And look upon what’s left.

Many folk will nevermore laugh,
Silent, fallen, under ash,
Never knew that in that flash,
Their livelihoods would be gone.

Mourning fills the cloudy air,
As death drops in both here and there,
The volcano retreats back into its lair,
To rest again in silence.

Many years have passed right by,
People, sober, keep restless eye,
Upon the giant that to them lied,
And spewed out death and danger.

Now the giant slowly sleeps,
His lava deep inside he keeps,
All pray that he will slumber deep,
And ne’er awake again.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Apr. 7 2015 at 7:48 pm
Richcoca PLATINUM, Canoga Park, California
44 articles 5 photos 71 comments

Favorite Quote:
Make as many as mistakes as you want, just don't make the same mistake.

That image is.................... Excellent job.

Volcano420 said...
on Apr. 7 2015 at 11:17 am
I can relate, as I myself am a volcano.