I saw the light, and that was you | Teen Ink

I saw the light, and that was you

March 24, 2015
By Lala167 BRONZE, Coachella, California
Lala167 BRONZE, Coachella, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When I saw you that night
You were small but bright
The love that i saw in your eyes
Could melt the storm I had inside

For what I lost now have found
Someone to love without thought or sound
For you have cared for me so much

When I see the dark I see the trouble that I have caused
When I see the light I see your smile that warms everyones heart
We are different yet so alike
We both rise and fall but we have each other through it all

You know the real me that I have tried to hide so hard to hide
You accepted me when no one else would
You turned me into something I thought I could never be
I saw the light, and it was you

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