Ode To Dead Space a game by EA | Teen Ink

Ode To Dead Space a game by EA

March 17, 2015
By frostwolf BRONZE, St. Peters, Missouri
frostwolf BRONZE, St. Peters, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
you can run but i can not die

 From the first to the second.

From the second to the third.
From the DLC and bonuses between…

The necromorphs did fail,
The weapon did succeed.
The limbs flying off their bodies,

They did flail.
They tried to get back up.
They failed to see my foot stomping their head.

As I laughed at their demise,
I thought how much I would miss these days
If necromorphs were real.

The author's comments:

One of my favorite sci-fi games

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