Fountain of Youth | Teen Ink

Fountain of Youth

March 2, 2015
By LilyMac BRONZE, Shenley, Other
LilyMac BRONZE, Shenley, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"When god became lonely he created man, or was it when man became lonely he created god."- Melanie Exler

I seek your comfort and your words, you are the rain that falls on my window for you are tranquil, but only appreciated by some

I look up to you as though you have never sinned, and for this I am ashamed by my naivety and neglected precautions

My cheeks burn with a feverish scarlet that boils through my frame, causing my bones to ache and limbs to convulse

To think I have drank from the same fountain as you, the same contaminated water has filled my thoughts with such blind beliefs

I feel my insides repulse and heave for I have been fooled, when all these years I have clung onto trust- I am now empty

When I look at my window I do not see the rain anymore, I only see my tears that you have formed in my ghostly reflection

And for this I cannot forgive you.

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