7 letters | Teen Ink

7 letters

February 27, 2015
By Kissmyashh BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
Kissmyashh BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

7 letters says a lot,
So much I kind of forgot,
Five foot two, brown hair,
She so looks like a millionaire.
She’s worth a million bucks,
But don’t get me wrong she’s kinda nuts,
She stands for honesty and loyalty,
And that’s why she’s royalty.
You mess with her you mess with me,
Sorry that’s how it has to be.
2 buffalo ranch McChickens and a small fry,
Is what I get as a reply,
Always with each other,
They all think we want one another,
You get lost in her eyes,
You’ll never want to come down from the skies,
Wouldn’t dream of spending life with someone else,
But her beautiful self,
Don’t know how to start,
On telling her she has my heart.
Being with her is a different high,
That I can no longer deny,
Been about her and always will,
For her I will kill.
7 letters says a lot,
Taliyah you have me in a knot,
Too tight to be untied,
Baby I WILL be your bride.


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