Canvas Of Us | Teen Ink

Canvas Of Us

February 22, 2015
By Omega3 BRONZE, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Omega3 BRONZE, Minneapolis, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Do or do not. There is no try"

Remember do I of
when you had left;

I do remember
when you got me that snowflake globe
that danced a horrendous tune
or when you caressed my head as you tucked me into bed.
when I tripped from
the wonders of the world and you were a rescue ship for my hand
as it drowned.

I do remember
when we danced under the moonlit canvas that
was surpassing than that of Vincent van Gogh’s
or when you embraced my body so carefully
as if I was a snowflake.
when singing by the
gravestone, it was our favorite tune but this time,
alone I was.

Remember do I of
that night the moonlit canvas was that of Mona Lisa’s.
when I threw dirt not at you, but
onto your home - six feet underground.

So desperately, I wish to remember
the topography of you.
waiting to remember the ridges
of you.
the great lakes of your eyes,
the Big Dipper of your freckles,
the autumn leaves of your hair,
the Alps of your hands.

Remember do I of
when you had left. 

The author's comments:

This poem is nothing personal. I write what came to mind and this is the result. 

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