Disillusioned | Teen Ink


February 22, 2015
By Dissection BRONZE, West Orange, New Jersey
Dissection BRONZE, West Orange, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A lot of people think words like “forever” or “always” are terrifying,

but what I find scary is thinking of love in terms of minutes or
hours or days or weeks or months or years.
When you are surrounded by something, you often do not know the extent to which you are.
In this sense, love is like understanding your location on a map.
You might have a clue to where you are, but could you
actually pinpoint your exact location? Probably not.
Instead of worrying about that, I chose to accept it
And that is why I speak in forevers and always.
Forever may not be plausible, but doesn’t it taste so much sweeter
in your mouth?
I don’t know how anything turns out and no one can say for sure,
For the time being though, I will flip my body inside out
so that my skin is lined with the muscle of my heart,
sewn together by the strings.
You’re stuck in me and that is such
great news.
Perhaps not always, but I would like
to think so.

The author's comments:

This was written for a girl.

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