Breaking Out | Teen Ink

Breaking Out

February 20, 2015
By Mackenzie Fimmen SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Mackenzie Fimmen SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Goosebumps form

On my back,
As the girl behind me
Takes steady,
Deep breaths
Down my neck.

I rest my head on the shoulder
In front of me,
And grip the two hands
Holding mine.

I can hear
My own heart,
Rapid pulses
Rattling my chest.

The loud, booming voice
Of the announcer
Fills the gym.

We all breathe
And grip

I squeeze my eyes shut,
And pray
To hear our name.


The entire team screams and leaps into the air with excitement.
Tear-streaked, makeup-caked faces beam with unending pride
As our trophy is received
And thrown into the air above our heads,
In a glorious moment of fist-pumping victory.

The author's comments:

Standing still, waiting patiently in line for results after a performance is such an indescribable feeling.

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