Silent Scream- A Reflection on Edward Munch's "The Scream" | Teen Ink

Silent Scream- A Reflection on Edward Munch's "The Scream"

February 5, 2015
By julia_dispirito BRONZE, Cumberland, Rhode Island
julia_dispirito BRONZE, Cumberland, Rhode Island
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Why are you screaming? I guess I’ll never know,
For I cannot hear your silent cries.

Did you hear,
A boy fall into the churning blue monster
Below the winding walkway?
Or cries from the passengers
Of the ship sinking slowly in the distance?
And you cry out for help,                                                                    
But nobody answers,
Because they cannot hear your silent scream.

Did you watch,
The sky turn to blood
After the great ball of light ran and hid behind the hill?
Or the rushing river twist and turn,
Swallowing up the empty earth?
And you cry out for nature, the world around you,
But nature doesn’t answer your cry,
Because it cannot hear your silent scream.

Did you feel,
Betrayal in the silent air
As your friends continue the walk,  
Without you?
And you cry out for them,
But they do not answer,
They cannot hear your silent scream.

Or do you cry out with
Happiness, joy, delight,
For life itself in this gaping world?

I can’t hear your scream
It’s as silent as the night
So tell me: why are you screaming?

The author's comments:

This poem is a reflection on The Scream, a painting by Edward Munch.

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