One Nation | Teen Ink

One Nation

February 1, 2015
By iamsaikat BRONZE, Kolkata, Other
iamsaikat BRONZE, Kolkata, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Try it till then you succeed

We live in one nation,
Where the men are sacred
Where the hatred between religions-
Are slowly being faded.
Where love for each other, is the main course of life
Where peace between the rivals slowly arrive.
We live in one nation,
Where the men are sacred
Where the different choices of life
Are slowly being tasted.
Not once, twice but thrice,
The people experience lows and highs.
Even the god lives here in disguise
As he declared this one nation to be the paradise
Once, I found myself standing in the corner of the room
That was when I understood
The perks of being nationhood
I come from the lands,
Where the profit of being loved slowly expands.
We live in one nation,
Where living, for the poor, is a challenge
But respect lies for those, who know how to manage.
I belong to that nation,
Where the people traditionally embrace each other,
Thinking one to be his own brother
I write this piece, to express the great immortality of my land
For which one can proudly demand…
I write this piece to express love for my nation,
As I stand here, with all of my sole’s dedication
We live in one nation,
Oh! People, it’s our motherland.

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