Camera Lens | Teen Ink

Camera Lens

January 28, 2015
By Katrina96 BRONZE, Santa Maria, California
Katrina96 BRONZE, Santa Maria, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Think of a lens as the way you look at life,
And the body of the camera being you.

The lens can change by mood, opinions,
or experiences..

It may add a certain tone to the picture,
otherwise known as reality.

Sometimes color is created, reflecting an emotion.
Or words could be etched onto the glass, your window,
Connecting you to our world.
Impairing the view, or even influencing it.

It lies on you to choose whether the lens is of choice.

As hard as it seems to make change,
It may be as simple as figuring out how to either;

Display a need for help,
Hoping for someone’s reply,


Initiate a change within yourself. 
Either learn to love your lens,
or learn how to change it.

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