Children | Teen Ink


January 28, 2015
By Kaitlyn.wood05 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Kaitlyn.wood05 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The average American family has two and a half children. It is impossible to have half a child, so I’ll stick with two. Ever since I was little I’ve wanted two children and saw myself as a child walking around with two dolls instead of one.

The first reason for me wanting to have two children is because it’s a modern sized family. It’s easier for a four person family to get a seat in a restaurant than it is a five or more person family. It would be likely to have an average yearly cost with things such as food, clothing and education. I could be able to have one-on-one time with them like one with me and one with their father.

With one-on-one time I feel there would be less so it could be easier to handle. There would be no majority rules because there are two and two. They could teach each other in school subjects and sports.  Instead of having everything to themselves the two would need to learn how to share.

The final reason is with two they would share and not be lonely. If I were to only have one then they may often be lonely, I’ve watched my cousin grow up an only child and she is lonely most of the time. They could have a friend to grow up with and tell each other things. They could look out for each other with homework and people skills. There would be less fighting.

Therefore, my three main reasons for wanting two children is because it’s a modern sized family, there would be less fighting and less teaming up, and so that one child wouldn’t be lonely all the time. So, now that you’ve heard some of my reasons what are yours?

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