just one touch | Teen Ink

just one touch

January 16, 2015
By kenzienea SILVER, Struthers, Ohio
kenzienea SILVER, Struthers, Ohio
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You were red and I was blue,
but when you touched me
lilac emerged from the dew.
But then you left,
because purple just wasn't for you…
But if purple wasn't for you,
what did you hope I would become?
Blue does not turn red
even if YOU wish it to be done.
To leave was a very bold move…
But always remember I touched you too…
So don't go and complain,
saying I didn't change because I did,
just in a different way.
But if you complain, I will too,
because always remember,
purple is made from red
AND from blue...

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece because I am sick of people being mad that I am different that i was when I was little. Whether or not they see it, I have changed for the better and everyone who has touched my life has had something to do with that change. All the people around me are examples of who and what I do or don't want to become. Don't tell someone that they have changed and use it against them when you yourself have changed, more than anything, in the worst ways. And never change just because someone wants you to.

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