A Piece of Time | Teen Ink

A Piece of Time

December 28, 2014
By HunnieBadger BRONZE, Bridgewater, New Jersey
HunnieBadger BRONZE, Bridgewater, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"There's no point in being grown up if you can't act a little childish sometimes." - Doctor Who

A piece of time was stripped away,

untouched and frozen 'til the day

that they would meet, the clocks were ticking;

running 'til their time runs stray.


Her best day made her worst day start-

engraved the words among the stars.

And while she thought it’d make it burst,

this piece of time would break her heart.


He lived in caution, he feared his fate.

Feared even more: the unknown date.

This piece of time tears him in two.

He only hoped it could be late.


Both were falling, falling fast,

holding tight ‘cause nothing lasts.

And though it just may be their worst,

this piece of time becomes their pasts.

The author's comments:

I got the idea for this poem in Spanish class. She was talking about some word and how it means "a piece of time". I thought that was really poetic, and couldn't stop thinking about it, forming the poem in my head throughout the entire period. (I'll admit, I didn't pay any attention to the lesson.) And tada! A poem was born on the bus ride home!

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