Swing | Teen Ink


December 23, 2014
By rubyrose98 BRONZE, Mobile, Alabama
rubyrose98 BRONZE, Mobile, Alabama
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Eyes closed, leaning forward
Toes pointed towards the sky
I am flying
And for a moment…
The wind whispers hello
The trees stretch to catch up to me
The king of the sky shines his approval
The birds swarm close, chirping a melody
Greeting me as one of their own
Below, an ice cream truck jingles
Children laugh, a lawn mower hums
Squirrels scamper to hoard their treasures
A grill sizzles a persuasive argument
Lemonade and morning dew scents pervade the air
Two cold silver chains clasp me into their prison
And then, I am falling
Sinking, tumbling, dropping
Yielding to unseen forces
Down, down, down
Back to the bright green grass
That knows me so well

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