Two Important Spheres | Teen Ink

Two Important Spheres

December 18, 2014
By Ostleberry23 GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
Ostleberry23 GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They are the only two who see me everyday. I am the only one appreciates them.  Two important spheres with heat that can melt ice caps and a glow that turn night to day.  Two amongst a billion more in the galaxy.  Two circles that seem to guide my day.  From anywhere I can see them, but doesn’t mean I take them for granted.
Their presence is known.  They show great size in the sky.  They float up and down and never seem to stay around for long and will let you know who’s there and why.  This is how they flow.
Let one forget his reason for being, they’d both stay still in the sky, each with their own purpose to say hi.  Hi, hi, hi they say when I see them.  They greet.
When I am too tired and too awake to keep going, when I am checking the time of day, then it is I look at them.  When there is nothing left to look up on.  Two shine and flow.  Two who
will always be there.  Two whose only reason is to be there.

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